Examples Hub

Some open source references to make integrating Capsule simpler. More coming soon!

React Demo App - NFT Mint Site

An example NFT mint site using the Capsule Modal. Try out the hosted app yourself or view Github.

Web Examples

Vue Example built with Vite and a custom UI

Vite Example built with the React Modal

Next Example built using Server Side Rendering, Tailwind CSS and the React Modal

Next Custom Example built using Server Side Rendering and a custom UI

PWA Example

Example PWA built with the React Modal and Next.js

Mobile Examples

React Native - Expo Includes examples across Ethers, Viem, and React Native versions

React Native Includes examples across Ethers, Viem, and React Native versions

Flutter Includes Native Passkeys

Wallet Pregeneration

Wallet Pregeneration includes a no-ui example of registering and claiming pregenerated wallets

Last updated